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Gorenjski muzej | 16 July 2024

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Razstava Andrej Perko: Hočemo živeti/We want to live

4 July 2019 |

Vljudno Vas vabimo na odprtje fotografske razstave


Mi hočemo živeti

We want to live.

Razstavo bomo odprli v četrtek, 11. julija 2019, ob 19. uri v Galeriji Mestne hiše v Kranju.

Razstavljena dela bodo na ogled do 30. … Read More

Pogovor z mag. Metko Lokar

1 July 2019 |

Vljudno vabljeni na pogovor z lektorico/učiteljico mag. Metko Lokar, letošnjo dobitnico mednarodne Pretnarjeve nagrade, ambasadorko slovenskega jezika in književnosti na Kitajskem.

Srečanje bo v torek, 9. julija 2019, ob 19. uri v Vojnomirovi dvorani  Ullrichove hiše v Kranju, Tomšičeva … Read More

The girl from the background of history

5 June 2019 |

Ljudmila Belcijan and her journey to Africa with the family of prince Paul Karađorđević

Ljudmila (Milka) Belcijan was born on 16 September 1924 in Vinje (Dol pri Ljubljani) to her mother Marija (née Virt) and father Janez. There were four … Read More

Everest 1979 – 2019; 40th anniversary of first slovenian summit of Mount Everest

7 May 2019 |

The aim of the expedition was to climb the West Ridge, first time in history. An expedition that worked in the spirit of a time when collective consciousness ruled to achieve a goal would not work as it did if … Read More

Museum evening Khisl Family and there connection with Protestantism

16 April 2019 |

As part of the accompanying program of the exhibition Khislstein Castle and the Khisl Family Stories we kindly invite you to the lecture  Khisl Family and there connection with Protestantism on Thursday 25th of April 2019 at 7pm in the … Read More

Exhibition openning Ecce Home

9 April 2019 |

Kindly invited to exhibition opening Ecce Homo on Tuesday 16th of April 2019 at 6 pm at the Town Hall in Kranj, Glavni trg 4. The museum showcase will present a part of the rich cultural tradition in Kranj in … Read More

Projections of three experimental films by Nejč Slapar

5 April 2019 |

We kindly invite you to projections of three experimental films by Nejč Slapar on Thursday 11th of April 2019, at 7 pm in the Vojnomirova Hall of the Ullrich House in Kranj, Tomšičeva 42. We will play three films, with … Read More

Renaissance concert Musica cubicularis

1 April 2019 |

As part of the accompanying program of the exhibition Khislstein Castle and the Khisl Family stories we kindly invite you to

concert of Musica cubicularis ensemble

Music for members of the family Khisl and Michael Praetorius

on Tuesday 9th of … Read More

Exhibition opening Comrades! Let us congratulate you …

29 March 2019 |

The Museum of Gorenjska kindly invites you to the exhibition opening Comrades! Let us congratulate you …

on Friday 5th of April 2019 at 6 pm at the Tomaž Godec Museum in Bohinjska Bistrica.

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Exhibition opening Henrik Marchel

27 March 2019 |

Kindly invited to exhibition opening



on Thursday 4th of April 2019, at 7 pm in the Town Hall Gallery in Kranj, Glavni trg 4.

His belief that the picture must contain something more then just copy of … Read More


Na spletnih straneh uporabljamo piškotke, s pomočjo katerih izboljšujemo Vašo uporabniško izkušnjo in zagotavljamo kakovostne vsebine. Z nadaljnjo uporabo se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. več informacij

Piškoti so majhne datoteke, ki jih naložimo na vaš računalnik. Nekateri so nujno potrebni za delovanje spletnega mesta, nekateri izboljšajo uporabniško izkušnjo. Piškotki so lahko kratkotrajni ali dolgotrajni. Izbrišejo se po koncu poteka veljavnosti. Lahko jih izbrišemo tudi ročno. Naše spletno mesto uporablja piškotke, ki jih ob vašem obisku tega spletnega mesta naložimo na vaš računalnik oziroma mobilno napravo. Tako lahko prepoznamo vašo napravo, ko se z njo vrnete na naše spletno mesto, ter na ta način omogočimo boljše delovanje in uporabo spletnega mesta. Piškotke lahko popolnoma izbrišete oziroma onemogočite z nastavitvami v vašem brskalniku. Navodila se nahajajo v sekciji pomoč vašega brskalnika. V primeru, da boste piškotke popolnoma izključili, vam morda kakšna izmed funkcionalnosti na spletnem mestu ne bo delovala.
